Friday, April 9, 2010

Prayer of declaration for your city

(YOUR COUNTRY NAME) belongs to God and the fullness thereof, the people and all that in it (NAMED THE DIFFERENT TRIBES).
As your people we humble ourselves and seek your face on behalf of (NAME OF YOUR COUNTRY), we pray and turn from our wicked ways (idolatry, bribery and corruption, blood shed, immorality, occultism, etc) that you might heal the land as we pray. Thank you because as far as the East is from the West you have removed our transgressions from us.
By faith, we declare that revival is moving this way. A new wind is blowing bringing life to (NAME OF YOUR COUNTRY). God’s Spirit will move in (NAME OF YOUR COUNTRY). The whole land will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord and in the midst of the years the Lord will revive His work. Thank you Lord that you brought us to live in (NAME OF YOUR COUNTRY) in (name your street or quarter) at this time as your ambassadors. We will not remain quiet till her righteousness shines out like the dawn, her salvation like blazing torch.Thank you for National Unity and harmony in the land. Every divisive spirit, racism, fascism and anti – Semitic tendencies are commanded to wither. All nationalities and ethnic groups in the land will be united at the Cross to worship the Lord.
As we pray we believe and confess that we will be fruitful in the land. The Church will experience supernatural harvest. The ground will be softened up for the seed of the Word of God. Every seed we sow will bring forth, men and women will come to the knowledge of the Lord. The fallow ground will spring forth. The harvest will be plenteous, the hearts of men will be turned to the Lord. This nation will be filled with the knowledge of God. (NAME OF YOUR COUNTRY) will be saved.
(NAME OF YOUR CITY) is the Lord’s, and everything in it. The streets and quarters, the political entitIes and all the peoples who live in it. For from one man He made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth. He determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live---so that men would seek Him--- and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him---Lord, we thank you that by divine grace and intention, you brought us to live in the Jos City, in……(name of your street or quarter) at this time, for this purpose: that for (NAME OF YOUR CITY) sake, we will not keep silent, for the sake of YOUR KINGDOM COME. We will not remain quite till her righteousness shines out like the dawn, her salvation like blazing torch. Father, as your church in (NAME OF YOUR CITY), we affirm your promise in Jeremiah 29:11 “for I know the plans I have for you … plans to proSper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future…. You will call upon me and come and pray to ME and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart. I will be found of you.”
Lord, today, we humble ourselves as ONE people to seek you on behalf of (NAME OF YOUR CITY). We confess that (NAME OF YOUR CITY) is trapped in a tangle of sins: Idolatry, Materialism, Arrogance, Immorality, Corruption, Injustice, Oppression, Violence, Drunkenness, Laziness. Only you can free us! However longstanding our sins may be, we ask you. Lord, to forgive. As we pray, pour out a wave ofrepentance and reconciliation in every street. In (NAME OF YOUR CITY), Lord, have mercy. For you are our only Hope. Overflow (NAME OF YOUR CITY) with the River of Life from your throne. As we unite in prayer, let it rage across (NAME OF YOUR CITY) like a pest-up flood driven by the breath of your Spirit! We release the power of your promise now that where this River flows, everything comes alive.
Lord, we invoke the blessings of your name over (NAME OF YOUR CITY). for you are the Christ, son of the Living God, Risen Saviour. You are the Manna from heaven that satisfies (NAME OF YOUR CITY) need. You are the cloud by day and the Pillar of Fire by night, guiding and guarding (NAME OF YOUR CITY) through her democracy and turmoil. Be magnified this day in (NAME OF YOUR CITY)! for of the increase of your rule and Shalom in (NAME OF YOUR CITY), there will be no end, for the Zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish it.
Today, we arise as ONE people of God to bless (NAME OF YOUR CITY) with the presence, Peace and Power of God. Come and be enthroned as sovereign Lord and King forever over every tribe and tongue across (NAME OF YOUR CITY)! in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Prayer Declaration for your City and Nation

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